Reverse gay test meme

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Needless to say, these fans keep the films and books very close to their heart and there must be thousands of marathons going on right now as well.ĭue to the fact that the last Lord of the Rings film was 15 years ago and the last Hobbit film is 4 years in the past, these films are now becoming more and more revered as time passes by, with people overlooking any plot holes or headscratchers that might be present at first or repeated viewings.īut as surprising as it is to find out, there are still fans out there who look at the films in a lighter sense.

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These people tend to go nuts should they even get a sniff at someone finding any flaws in their beloved series.

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In modern society, the notion is that falling into a fist fight isn’t as simple as centuries ago where people would duke it out to end arguments, but the easiest way to cause a ruckus is by badmouthing The Lord of the Rings in front of its fans.

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